On behalf of PSG Consulting, Democracy Corps on June 27, 2024, conducted online dial meter research during President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump’s live debate.

What’s unique?

• A controlled experiment where participants watch the debate and complete pre- and post-interviews

• Key targets whose response will play key roles in election outcome. Here, we included “dual haters” who unfavorable views of both Trump and Biden and “third party” voters.

• Open-ended responses to key items with AI generated open-ends.

• Introduction of attributes on racial priorities and whites become a minority

• Questions on current events like abortion, Donald Trump’s New York felony conviction, and the Gaza-Israel conflict

• Questions on the issues worries around the candidates

• Questions on trust of government and trust in people

Read key findings and takeaways by downloading the slides of the comprehensive dials below,

and visit Democracy Corps for additional downloads including the report crosstabs.

A Historic and Consequential Debate


Voter Reactions to First 2024 Presidential Debate


Profile of Double Negative Voters