First Mondays Webinars
Continuing in the tradition of bringing new insights and new voices to important topics, Gardner runs a First Mondays Webinar series. These are designed to bring an array of new voices to the conversation about the critical issues we face today as a democracy.
Innovating for the Public Good: R&D for Democracy’s (IFPG) goal is to restore America’s promise by taking a different approach — one that harnesses innovation to strengthen our democratic institutions, brings together multidisciplinary subject matter experts and applies a private sector research and development (R&D) model to experiment, refine, scale and measure the efficacy of successful efforts.
We have a strategic plan to accomplish these goals, and we are ready to implement.
Innovating for the Public Good: R&D for Democracy’s (IFPG) goal is to restore America’s promise by taking a different approach — one that harnesses innovation to strengthen our democratic institutions, brings together multidisciplinary subject matter experts and applies a private sector research and development (R&D) model to experiment, refine, scale and measure the efficacy of successful efforts.
We have a strategic plan to accomplish these goals, and we are ready to implement. We were joined today by Erica Williams Simon and three guest panelists who took a deep dive into what that means to them on the front lines in the fight to restore democracy. We heard from Minnesota Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, North Carolina State Senator Sydney Batch and Oscar-Nominated Film Writer and Democratic Consultant Billy Ray.
Download IFPG’s Executive Summary of the Strategic Plan
During November’s First Mondays Webinar, the findings from research by PSG Consulting, TargetSmart and Hart Research were released for the first time.
The question at the center of this research was:
What do voters experience or process during the last months of the presidential campaign when they are being inundated with ads not only from presidential candidates but all candidates on the ballot?
During November’s First Mondays Webinar, the findings from research by PSG Consulting, TargetSmart and Hart Research were released for the first time.
These two survey research projects, sponsored by PSG Consulting and Innovating for the Public Good, focused on the presidential results but also included down-ballot races. They examined the impact of the bombardment of ads during the last months of this year’s campaign season.
The question at the center of this research was:
What do voters experience or process during the last months of the presidential campaign when they are being inundated with ads not only from presidential candidates but all candidates on the ballot?
We took a unique approach to this research design in that most of the questions were open-ended. The purpose was to hear in voters’ own words what they saw, what they understood and what captured their attention. How did they respond emotionally, and what impact did the ads have?
Download TargetSmart’s Slides
Download Hart Research’s Slides
Our final panel of the month — featuring David Broockman, Matt Lackey and Maeve Ward — offered strategic guidance on one of the toughest tasks in any election: targeting the holdouts, undecideds and conflicted, and persuading them to vote for a particular candidate or whether or not to vote at all.
Our final panel of the month — featuring David Broockman, Matt Lackey and Maeve Ward — offered strategic guidance on one of the toughest tasks in any election: targeting the holdouts, undecideds and conflicted, and persuading them to vote for a particular candidate or whether or not to vote at all.
This session completes the PSG Consulting First Mondays September Webinar series. We hope these webinars have been enlightening, providing you with insights from an array of experts who have unique perspectives on the challenges facing us in the immediate future and, perhaps more importantly, the long term.
We are facing unprecedented challenges to our constitutional democracy and the destruction of America's global alliances and standing. PSG Consulting and Innovating for the Public Good: R&D for Democracy (IFPG) have launched a First Mondays Webinar series to address these challenges.
Part one of this series is, “A Better Story: Why We Need Narratives to Save Democracy (and Us).”
We are facing unprecedented challenges to our constitutional democracy and the destruction of America's global alliances and standing. PSG Consulting and Innovating for the Public Good: R&D for Democracy (IFPG) have launched a First Mondays Webinar series to address these challenges. The webinars will bring together visionaries, practitioners and thought leaders to craft a new narrative for democracy's future.
Part one of this series is, “A Better Story: Why We Need Narratives to Save Democracy (and Us).” Our speakers were narrative strategists Laura Hughes, Joseph Phelan and Erica Williams Simon. Key topics included:
Understanding the Power of Narrative — Explore how narratives shape individual decision-making, culture and our political reality.
Identifying Gaps in the Narrative Landscape — Pinpoint areas where new or stronger narratives are needed.
Learning From Success Stories — Examine effective examples of progressive narrative-building and narrative change.