A Better Story: Why We Need Narratives to Save Democracy (and Us)
We are facing unprecedented challenges to our constitutional democracy and the destruction of America's global alliances and standing. PSG Consulting and Innovating for the Public Good: R&D for Democracy (IFPG) have launched a First Mondays Webinar series to address these challenges. The webinars will bring together visionaries, practitioners and thought leaders to craft a new narrative for democracy's future.
Part one of this series is, “A Better Story: Why We Need Narratives to Save Democracy (and Us).” Our speakers were narrative strategists Laura Hughes, Joseph Phelan and Erica Williams Simon. Key topics included:
Understanding the Power of Narrative — Explore how narratives shape individual decision-making, culture and our political reality.
Identifying Gaps in the Narrative Landscape — Pinpoint areas where new or stronger narratives are needed.
Learning From Success Stories — Examine effective examples of progressive narrative-building and narrative change.