Page S. Gardner
Page Gardner is one of the nation’s leading political strategists in the country. An authority on larger demographic trends, voter participation, electoral politics and non-profit organizations, Page’s unique expertise is in understanding the underlying dynamics of the American political operating environment.
As an authority on demographic trends, voter participation, electoral politics and, with a particular expertise in the voting patterns of women, Gardner has written articles for many publications and appeared on CNN, Fox News, NBC, MSNBC, and PBS.
Gardner founded and served as President of the Voter Participation Center and the Center for Voter Information for 20 years. Under her leadership, these organizations became regarded as two of the most innovative voter engagement organizations.
At VPC and CVI, Page pioneered new methodologies for reaching voters; measuring efficacy of voter outreach; conducting voter research; and, perhaps most importantly discovering a new demographic –unmarried women, changing the way women voters are perceived. Gardner's revolutionary discovery of a new demographic, unmarried women, and the power of marital status in determining whether one registers, votes and vote preference, fundamentally changed the practice of politics and the design of civic engagement programs.
Her experience and talent gives Gardner a unique ability to advise a wide range of clients, from organizations to campaigns and those advocating for policy and legislative achievements. And, she works as a hands-on partner to ensure her clients are successful.
Gardner’s recent accomplishments draw upon more than 20 years’ experience working at senior levels for the most competitive presidential, senatorial, gubernatorial and congressional campaigns across the country.
Leading a Revolution in Civic Engagement
Using her trailblazing insights, media savvy and organizational skills, Gardner has led a revolution in civic engagement on two fronts.
First, she is among the few political consultants who have identified crucial demographic groups. Since the year 2000, she has studied the unique experiences and distinctive voting patterns of unmarried women. And she defined the Rising American Electorate—communities of color, unmarried women and young people—as the rapidly growing progressive force that had long been marginalized but, in part, with the help of civic engagement organizations, could and would become the majority of American Voters.
Second, using scientific metrics to determine which forms of civic engagement activities reap the best returns, she built the nation’s largest and most successful organizations for voter registration and participation using a metrics-based approach to demonstrate effectiveness.
Discovering Demographics
Politico has described Gardner as “widely considered the top expert on the marriage gap”–the critically important differences between the voter participation and preferences of married and unmarried women.
Studying the exit polls for the closely contested 2000 presidential election – at a time when pundits and political professionals focused on the “gender gap” between men and women —Gardner found a previously unrecognized but transformative demographic dynamic: Married women supported the Republican nominee, George W. Bush, but unmarried women, although less likely to vote, favored the Democrat, Al Gore.
Pursuing her insights' implications, in 2003 Gardner founded Women’s Voices, Women Vote—now the Voter Participation Center (VPC)—and its sister organization, the Women’s Voices, Women Vote Action Fund (WVWVAF), now the Center for Voter Information. These organizations have helped 5.7 million people to register and many more millions to vote and participate in democracy.
Unmarried Women’s Participation on the Political Process
Conducting influential studies of unmarried women—including those who are single, separated, divorced or widowed—these organizations informed policymakers’ and opinion leaders’ understandings of these women’s life experiences, policy priorities and political participation.
These findings prompted a more comprehensive conversation about other historically underrepresented groups. Together with other demographers, public opinion analysts and political consultants, Gardner formulated and promoted the concept of the Rising American Electorate that, as she explained in post-election analyses, provided the margin of victory for President Biden and Vice President Harris.
In an interview with Gardner, The Economist magazine declared: “Page Gardner, you are the founder and president of the Voter Participation Center. But I think it's fair to say, if you were a physicist, they would have named an atom after you. Because you're one of the discoverers of this voting block...".
Nationally, Page Gardner, a voter-registration expert, has crafted models that allow unmarried women to be found with great accuracy. Conservatives are still playing catch-up.
The Economist