
Women's Month: Celebrating their Past; Fighting for their Future

Women have been equal partners in the success of this country’s advancements and achievements. They aren't always recognized, but surely, without their contributions, our country would be less advanced, less prosperous and less respected in the world.

However, new attacks on women and their roles in the political, cultural, economic and family spheres threaten not only women, but the very advancements this country needs to be competitive in the 21st century and beyond. Those who seek a return to the past where women were seen as “less” shortchange the country.

Women’s power to author their own lives is centered on voting — refusing to let politicians determine their future is fundamental.

But there are many dynamics at play in thinking about how women see themselves in the world and their relationship to the political system. There are many competing forces and demographic differences that drive key segments of “the women’s vote.” Women are not a monolith.

To explore this topic in all its richness, we've convened the most knowledgeable strategists and pollsters: Anna Greenberg, Celinda Lake and Molly Murphy.

Download Celinda Lake’s Slides

Download Molly Murphy’s Slides

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